Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What Do You Want to Know Before Summer Orientation?

You tell us!  We want you to give us some ideas of information that you would like to know before you come to summer orientation or your first semester on campus?  Is there something about the College of Communication or about the student experience that you would like to know?  We will take some of the ideas that you have for topics and use them as future blog posts or videos.  Email topics to: or comment here if you want!


  1. Should we arrive to orientation with a course plan in our minds or will we be exposed to different options? What if we decide we want to take random classes, like art, or what if we decide we want to switch schools? Is that an easy transition?
    Of course these are theoretical questions...

  2. Is there a schedule we have to follow for orientation?!

  3. Yes, I emailed a complete schedule out last week to those coming to orientation tomorrow and will do the same thing prior to each session. You will also be provided a complete schedule during check-in.

    Hope this helps. If you still have questions, definitely ask here or at
